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Who participates in the MOOK and what do they do there?

The pupils of these classes are people of different status with completely different motivation (men and women, from 0 to 60+ years, people with higher education and without, teachers and people who have nothing to do with pedagogy). In fact, physically there are no such classes, all classes are online.

In the USA Massive Online Courses are one of the most beneficial educational technology. 

At the end of 2016, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published an article-report

"4 years of Massive Open Online Courses." The statistics cover 290 courses, 245,000 certificates, 4 and a half million participants, 28 million hours of participation and 2.3 billion online events!

How long does it take for a MOOK participant to obtain a certificate?

Usually the recipient of the MOOK certificate spends 29 hours to work with the online course. But every hundredth earns a certificate, spending less than 23 minutes on the Internet.

It can be concluded that Mass Open Online Courses are gaining momentum: the number of participants from different countries with different goals and interests is growing, the number of topics covered by the courses is growing. This can not but rejoice, it is clear that people are willing to spend time and money on self-education and self-improvement.

Isaac Chuang MIT

Andrew Ho Harvard University

HarvardX and MITx: Four Years of Open Online Courses

December 23, 2016

The text on this page by Anna Khalturina

The review was conducted from Fall 2012 to Summer 2016

Full text of the article you can find here

How many percent of users earn certificates?

A typical course certifies 60% of participants.

If the Course repeats, does the audience increase or decrease?

Typically, the restart of the MOOK is 25% smaller than the previous one.

Which area of ​​knowledge in the MOOK is the most interesting, judging by the number of participants?

Informatics courses are the largest (among science, history, health and other subjects), in addition, they send more participants to other disciplinary areas than they receive themselves.

 What is the difference in the demographic characteristics of the participants in the IACC, depending on the field of educational knowledge?

The audience of computer science courses and STEM (science, engineering, engineering and mathematics) is mostly male, younger and international and less educated than the audience of other courses.

How many participants want to receive certificates?

Slightly more than half of the respondents report a desire to receive a certificate, but a typical course certifies 30% of these respondents.

How many teachers participate in Open Online Courses?

32% of respondents report that they are or were teachers, and 19% of them participate in courses on the subject they themselves teach.

Below you can see the main issues covered in the article

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