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Daria Ponomarenko 

Exploring the World of English

Language Teaching

This lesson is based on Cambridge English Language Assessment MOOC: «Exploring the World of English Language Teaching» 




   The time is running too fast and our lives change as well. There are new technologies which make our ways of  living more interesting, easy and effective. Additionally people get the possibility to travel all around the world, communicate with people from various countries. Unfortunately nothing really modifies in educational area. However there are children who are differ from whose who was 10 or ever 15 years ago and it’s obvious that it requires another way of teaching which can provide them with new skills, abilities and actions.

   My project is based on the techniques and ideas which actualizing in English language schools which make lessons based on Cambridge Language Assessment methods and concepts. I have analyzed it and come to the conclusion that it is productive, because students get skills which they can use in their everyday life, such as expressing opinion, stating the problem, asking for direction, order something in a café and etc.


for students

for professors

1st year student, 2nd group

Herzen University

the Faculty of Philology

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